The International Day of Charity was created by the United Nations to raise awareness for the benefits of individual and commercial volunteering and philanthropic efforts. The 5th September was chosen to commemorate the anniversary of Mother Teresa’s passing – a fitting date considering she dedicated her life to helping others.

PsychMed works closely with the Wellbeing & Recovery Research Institute (WARRI), a not-for-profit, independent research institute dedicated to funding and conducting research into cutting edge treatments for mental health, wellbeing, and recovery. PsychMed and WARRI strongly believe in everyone having access to evidence-based mental health treatments, especially vulnerable populations in rural and remote areas.

At the time of writing, WARRI was running multiple clinical research programs:

  • Short Intervention Program for Suicide Attempters (SIPS) – a 4-week individual program for high risk clients based on a European program and being tested for efficacy in the Australian population.
  • Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) – a specialised group program being researched for the LGBTQI+ community, FGM survivors, and first responders.
  • South Australian Intensive Gambling Help Service (SAIGHS) – treatment for people struggling with gambling, including a hybrid program using telepsychology to reach those in regional areas.
  • MATRIX program – a novel combination of individual and group interventions to create an intensive outpatient treatment program for methamphetamine users.
  • Relapse Prevention Groups (RPG) – a group program to help individuals maintain abstinence from drugs and alcohol.

There are many ways to take part in the International Day of Charity, including donating. WARRI is a fully registered charity – visit to donate or find out about our mission. You can also buy PsychMed merchandise to support the SIPS program – call 8232 2424 to find out more. Alternatively, donate to a cause close to your heart or make the decision to volunteer your time. You can look through hundreds of opportunities all in one place at