Access to Services
We are a leading provider of Clinical Services, Professional Training and Behavioural Science Research in South Australia. We believe in collaborative care and work closely with your family doctor, medical specialist, carers, NGO providers and collaborative care organisations, lawyer and state and commonwealth service providers.
We provide clinical psychology services for any client with a Medicare Mental Health Care Plan, NDIS Disability Support Plan or who is eligible for our range of State and Commonwealth Government sponsored programs.
We offer limited after hours services at all locations, including Saturday appointments at our centres in Adelaide.
Accessing individual or group clinical services:
- Commonwealth funded Better Access to clinical psychology services is a Medicare program requiring a Mental Health Care Plan from your medical specialist (GP, Psychiatrist, Paediatrician). Presently these plans provide 10 funded individual and 10 group sessions per calendar year;
- The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS);
- Department of Veteran’s Affairs (DVA);
- Employee Assistance Programs (EAP);
- ReturntoWorkSA and Comcare;
- Suicide Prevention Services;
- Severe Mental Health Services for Survivors of Trauma and PTSD;
- Intensive Gambling Help Services;
- State Victims of Crime and legal services funding;
- State Department of Transport Planning and Infrastructure (DPTI)- Employee assistance support & counselling for persons affected by major developments and compulsory home acquisition;
- Private health insurance, self-referred and funded.
PsychMed Fees and Rebates
All of our clinics offer concessional rates and fee free services for drug and alcohol treatment.
If you have a current mental health care plan from your GP, and a current concession card, PsychMed can provide psychology services through Medicare with a small gap fee of $45. For non-concession holders our employed practitioners charge a small gap fee of $85.
Fees to be paid on day of appointment: | ||
Concession ($50.00 Gap) | Non-Concession ($90.00) | |
Clinical Psychologist | $191.85 | $231.85 |
Registered Psychologist | $146.65 | $186.65 |
Payment is required in full on the day of service, with a Mental Health Care Plan medicare will reimburse the non gap component at the time of payment. Private charges are set by individual practitioners and often reflective of experience. If you have private health, depending on your fund a portion may be covered. Most can be claimed at the time of the appointment, if not you can take an invoice issued to your private health provider.
If you have a State WorkCover, VVCS or CTP accident claim your provider may cover your sessions and some providers will cover late cancellation fees.
Non-attendance and cancellations
We provide concession services and fee free government funded programs as part of our commitment to those most in need in our communities and as such it is essential that you attend your appointments or provide sufficient notice to enable others to take advantage of available sessions. PsychMed may charge you a fee for a late cancellation (with less than 48-hours notice) or non-attendance subsequent to committing to an appointment time.