Impaired family relationships, emotional distress, and financial difficulties are some of the common impacts of gambling. For every person who experiences gambling harm, up to six other people are impacted.

Gambling is any activity that has a random outcome, and risks something of value such as money. It could be pokies, lottery, sports betting, casino games, but it could also be crypto, video games, online auctions. 

When gambling has become part of someone’s life, it can be difficult to imagine a life without gambling, but it is possible. The SA Intensive Gambling Help Service is a free and confidential recovery program that uses evidence-based methods to help people impacted by gambling. We also help loved ones and people who work in gambling venues.

“My life has taken a complete turn around. I am back on track – with full understanding of gambling and its harms”, says one of our clients. “I am no longer interested in gambling , and I don’t experience any urges, even when in contact with past triggers”.

Making the decision to contact us can be difficult, but our caring team provides support and guides them in every step of the way. We will book them to see one of our clinicians who specialise in treating people with gambling issues. They can also help with other issues they may be experiencing, providing expert treatment or referral for psychosocial support or financial counselling.

“I had gambling counseling for many years, and even barred myself from all hotels, but the harm continued to take over my life. I finally started the program and it suddenly made sense – counseling will not work. I needed a proper intervention and treatment, and it did not take long to fully recover with the right approach. With support from my therapist and the weekly treatment support group, I was able to systematically eliminate all my urges and learn valuable life skills to move forward in life”.

Our program works, because it brings together the best available research, treatment approaches, and professional expertise, with input from people who have experienced gambling harm. 

If you think that you or someone you know may be experiencing gambling harms – even if you are not sure – we can help. Give us a call and we can have a chat about achieving a life without gambling.

(08) 8232 3333 –

Funded by the Gamblers Rehabilitation Fund