Project and Administration Officer : Upon completing my Masters in Health Services Management, I was lucky enough to start my professional career in PsychMed as an Admin support officer. I feel truely blessed to be a part of PsychMed where our work environment is always positive and everyone is treated equally and gets recognised for…

Team Leader, Gilles Plains: Upon completing my Bachelor of Psychological Science from The University of South Australia, I was delighted to join the PsychMed team in 2019 as an Administration Support Officer, a role that I took great pride in. In 2020 I was able to progress into a Team Leader role where I have also…

Program & Operations Manager: BA (Hons) – Joined PsychMed’s Administration Team July 2016, bringing with her many skills and attributes acquired from her diverse work history.  Having worked for many years in other family owned Australian businesses, Sue joined our team as a Receptionist working across several of our clinics, and has now taken on…

Regional Manager : Vicky has been a Receptionist at PsychMed for the past 5 years. She has extensive experience in corporate and medical administration spanning the past 2 decades. Appointed by general Manager, Accountable to General Manger, Business manager, Managing director and the board of directors.

Clinical Psychologist, Deputy CEO, Chair Of Risk Management Committee Trent is a Clinical Psychologist based in Adelaide, and is a committee member of the South Australian branch of the Australian Psychology Society(APS). He has a Psychology Honours degrees from Flinders University and a Masters degree in Clinical Psychology from the University of the Sunshine Coast.…

BPsychHons  Recruitment and Strategic Business Manager & Provisional Psychologist I have a long-term interest in supporting access and equity and overcoming prejudice faced by many people in our society, partly through my personal experiences. I sustained a serious spinal cord injury in high school and as a result have had lived experience of the biopsychosocial effects…

CAROL’S STORY I grew up in the 1960’s and 70’s in Klemzig, in an area of mixed cultural backgrounds and socioeconomic status. My parents were immigrant refugees from Polish and Czech backgrounds, arriving in Australia post World War II with their families, who were always grateful for the opportunity to settle in Australia, despite their…

I am a registered psychologist with the degree of Master of Psychology (Clinical) at the University of Adelaide and am also a member of the College of Clinical Psychologists in the Australian Psychological Society.  I have been registered since March 1997. My prior career, from 1961 after graduating with a Bachelor of Engineering from the…

Acting Managing Director, Clinical Psychologist and Medical Practitioner I would like to leave this world a better place for my children and yours. I am passionate about advocacy and care of those most disadvantaged and in need in our community. I am committed to promoting excellence in evidenced based mental health services, teaching and research.